I am trying logstash to iterate a build status file and map it in to elastic search so that I could find out how much time each build and test consumes and which platform the builds are happening.
A sample status logs is below.
Submitted at: Tuesday January 26, 2016 08:17:45 UTC
Time in queue: 01H 22m 36s
Run time: 01H 16m 23s
Build (Release:jdk Boot:<jdk>):
linux_ubunt64_2.6-fastdebug success(13m 36s)
USED: hostname=xxxx platform=linux_x64_2.6 osname=linux osarch=x64 cpus=6
ATTRS: distribution=OEL,ubuntu
TIMING: clean=10s init=13s work=12m46s fini=27s
NEEDS: ant171,antcontrib10b2,ubuntxcompiler,asmtools,ccache,
linux_ubuntvfphflt_2.6-productEmb success(42m 21s)
USED: hostname=abcdc platform=linux_x64_2.6 osname=linux osarch=x64 cpus=4
ATTRS: distribution=OEL,ubuntu
TIMING: clean=1s init=28s work=41m18s fini=34s
linux_ubunt64_2.6-fastdebug-default-hotspot_basicvmtest success(01m 29s)
USED: hostname=xxxxx platform=linux_ubunt64_3.13 osname=linux osarch=ubunt64 cpus=8
TIMING: clean=1s init=46s work=28s fini=9s
NEEDS: gnumake381_native,jtreg
windows_x64_6.3-product-default-hotspot_basicvmtest success(05m 38s)
USED: hostname=abcddf platform=windows_x64_6.2 osname=windows osarch=x64 cpus=4
TIMING: clean=1s init=4m39s work=47s fini=2s
NEEDS: cygwin,gnumake381_native,jtreg,
Platform Statistics
linux_ubunt64_2.6 (builds: 2) (tests: 2) (total)
started: Tue-08:27:48-UTC Tue-08:43:59-UTC Tue-08:27:48-UTC
ended: Tue-08:53:26-UTC Tue-08:55:17-UTC Tue-08:55:17-UTC
elapsed: 25m 38s 11m 17s 27m 29s
My intention is to get a build execution statistics. I am kind of stuck in which direction I should go. This is what I am trying to do.
- Read the status fileusing file input plugin
- In filter plugin If the line starts with Build (Release:jdk Boot:) read it as multiline until you encounter "Test:" and then split it with kv pair
- In filter plugin if the line start with Test do similar to step 2 until you reach Platform Statistics.
- Repeat same for Platform Statistics
I have struggling to make it work through logstash and even thinking about writing a small script to just convert to json instead of the same.
A sample i been trying is below.
input {
file {
path => "D:\softwares\logstash\logstash-2.1.1\bin\JobStatus_mine.txt"
start_position => "beginning"
grok {
match => {"message" => ["^Build%{SPACE}\(Release:%{DATA}"]}
add_tag => "buildstatus"
## This is the logic I was trying to merge all the line until you find "Tests". There is some thing wrong here
if "buildstatus" in [tags] {
multiline {
add_tag => "buildstatuspattern"
pattern => "^Tests:"
what => "next"
negate => true
if "buildstatuspattern" in [tags]{
kv {
value_split => ":"
add_tag => "buildsplitted"
recursive => true
Am I in right track Could some one share their suggestion? Really appreciate any help