Metric beat jolokia module cannot read attribute "Value"

Jolokia agent version: "1.3.6"

I get the following error message while trying to read kafka jmx metric from jolokia
"message": "1 error: No key found for metric: 'kafka.controller:name=ActiveControllerCount,type=KafkaController_Value', skipping..."

This happens only with attributes called Value. Other attributes like Count work just fine.

    - mbean: 'kafka.server:name=TotalProduceRequestsPerSec,type=BrokerTopicMetrics'
        - attr: Count
          field: broker.topic.count
    - mbean: 'kafka.server:name=MessagesInPerSec,type=BrokerTopicMetrics'
        - attr: MeanRate
          field: broker.messages_per_sec.meanRate
        - attr: RateUnit
          field: broker.messages_per_sec.rateUnit
    - mbean: 'kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount'
        - attr: Value
          field: broker.active_controller.count

Using metricbeat version 6.0.0-alpha2 changes the error message to:
"message": "1 error: metric key '' not found in response"

And the response looks like:

 [jolokia.jmx] The response body from jolokia host is: [  

One difference I spotted in your config is that for Value you have:

- mbean: 'kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount'

But for count you have:

- mbean: 'kafka.server:name=TotalProduceRequestsPerSec,type=BrokerTopicMetrics'

Shouldn't name and type be the other way around?

I've tried both configuratoins but that didn't seem to change anything.

Update: That actually worked in alpha2 version. Thanks a lot.

Glad do hear it's working.

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