Metricbeat 5.1.1 "unsupported parameters" es2x template

Metricbeat 5 is no longer working with ES 2.x. There are document mapping issues.

Config (I also tried bare bone default, same issue)

  enabled: true
  hosts: ['<hostname>']
  protocol: http
  2x.enabled: true
 compression: none


PS C:\Program Files\Metricbeat> .\metricbeat.exe -e
2016/12/21 11:16:54.011585 beat.go:207: INFO metricbeat start running.
2016/12/21 11:16:54.654171 client.go:652: INFO Connected to Elasticsearch version 2.4.0
2016/12/21 11:16:54.655170 output.go:214: INFO Trying to load template for client: http://<hostname>:
016/12/21 11:16:54.660170 output.go:226: INFO Detected Elasticsearch 2.x. Automatically selecting the 2.x version of th
e template
2016/12/21 11:16:54.752171 client.go:582: INFO Elasticsearch template with name 'metricbeat' loaded
2016/12/21 11:16:54.766173 client.go:432: WARN Can not index event (status=400): {"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","rea
son":"Failed to parse mapping [_default_]: Mapping definition for [throttle] has unsupported parameters:  [properties :
{pct={type=float}}]","caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Mapping definition for [throttle] has unsu
pported parameters:  [properties : {pct={type=float}}]"}}

In 2x template

        "throttle": {
          "properties": {
            "pct": {
              "type": "float"

This should work as per

Thanks for bringing this up. It should definitively be compatible with 2.x I'm kind of surprised that it throws an error on float as float is also supported in 2.4. Can you share your metricbeat and elasticsearch config? Is this a new elasticsearch setup or did you upgrade it from a previous version?

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