Metricbeat 7.7.1 : Failed to publish events caused by: unsupported float value: NaN

Metricbeat version: 7.7.1
OS version : Flatcar 2303.4.0 and RHEL 7.4
Docker : Docker version 18.06.3-ce, build d7080c1
We also configured docker swarm on these nodes


   #-------------------------------- System Module --------------------------------
- module: system
  enabled: true
  period: 10s
    - cpu
    - load
    - memory
    - network
    - process
    - process_summary
    - socket_summary
    - core
    - diskio
    - socket
    by_cpu: 5      # include top 5 processes by CPU
    by_memory: 5   # include top 5 processes by memory

- module: system
  period: 1m
    - filesystem
    - fsstat
    - service
    - users
  - drop_event.when.regexp:
      system.filesystem.mount_point: '^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib|snap)($|/)'

- module: system
  period: 15m
    - uptime

#-------------------------------- Docker Module --------------------------------
- module: docker
  enabled: true
  period: 10s
    - container
    - cpu
    - diskio
    - event
    - healthcheck
    - info
    - memory
    - network
  hosts: ["unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]

The logs after a certain period get full with:

Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.169+0200        DEBUG        [logstash]        logstash/async.go:119        connect
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.177+0200        INFO        [publisher_pipeline_output]        pipeline/output.go:111        Connection to backoff(async(tcp:// established
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.177+0200        DEBUG        [logstash]        logstash/enc.go:37        Failed to encode event: &{2020-07-08 12:32:02.974424766 +0200 CEST m=+1187.408593395 {} Not valid json: json: error calling MarshalJSON for type common.Float: invalid character 'N' looking for beginning of value <nil> true}
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.177+0200        DEBUG        [logstash]        logstash/async.go:171        35 events out of 35 events sent to logstash host Continue sending
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.177+0200        DEBUG        [logstash]        logstash/async.go:127        close connection
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.177+0200        DEBUG        [transport]        transport/client.go:118        closing
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.178+0200        ERROR        [logstash]        logstash/async.go:279        Failed to publish events caused by: unsupported float value: NaN
Jul 08 13:05:53 sldclr0102 metricbeat[129177]: 2020-07-08T13:05:53.178+0200        DEBUG        [logstash]        logstash/async.go:127        close connection

It looks like this starts when containers are stopped/started but we can't easily determine which metricset is causing this.


This looks like a bug. Could you please open a Github issue for this?


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