Metricbeat azure module - Simultaneously fetch multi-dimensional metric values

I'm trying to fetch Cosmos DB metrics from azure using metricbeat's azure module. An example:

- module: azure
  - monitor
  enabled: true
  period: 30s
  client_id: '<client_id>'
  client_secret: '<client_secret>'
  tenant_id: '<tenant_id>>'
  subscription_id: '<subscription_id>'
#  refresh_list_interval: 60s
   - resource_id: '/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/<DB_instance_name>'
       - name: ['TotalRequests']
         namespace: 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts'
         - name: "StatusCode"
           value: "*"

At the time of request, the above metricbeat config seems to fetch the TotalRequests of a randomly selected StatusCode ONLY, whilst I'm looking to fetch the count of the TotalRequests for all StatusCodes.

An example of the documents in the index would look something like the below (irrelevant data is removed from the below):

"@timestamp" : "2021-08-02T07:31:00.000Z"
"azure": {
  "dimensions" : {
      "status_code" : "449"
  "metrics" : {
      "total_requests" : {
          "count" : 294

"@timestamp" : "2021-08-02T07:32:00.000Z"
"azure": {
  "dimensions" : {
    "status_code" : "201"
  "metrics" : {
      "total_requests" : {
          "count" : 1497

"@timestamp" : "2021-08-02T07:33:00.000Z"
"azure": {
  "dimensions" : {
    "status_code" : "200"
  "metrics" : {
      "total_requests" : {
          "count" : 16734

Whilst I'm looking to achieve something on the following lines:

"@timestamp" : "2021-08-02T07:33:00.000Z"
"azure": {
  status_code" : [
          "name": "449",
          "total_requests": {
              "count": 294
          "name": "201",
          "total_requests": {
              "count": 1794
          "name": "200",
          "total_requests": {
              "count": 16734

Can anyone shed some light on fetching all azure metric dimensions simultaneously?

Thanks in advance

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