Metricbeat failed to start at system reboot

Hi ,

Metricbeat is running fine , and is enabled to start at system boot through systemd, rhel7.

but when I reboot the system , it fails to start and I have to restart is manually.

Any ideas?


[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]# systemctl status metricbeat
ā— metricbeat.service - metricbeat
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/metricbeat.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Fri 2018-01-19 14:35:30 GMT; 1min 15s ago
Process: 2270 ExecStart=/usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat -c /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml -path.home /usr/share/metricbeat -path.config /etc/metricbeat /var/lib/metricbeat -path.logs /var/log/metricbeat (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 2270 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: Unit metricbeat.service entered failed state.
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: metricbeat.service failed.
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: metricbeat.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for metricbeat.service
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: Failed to start metricbeat.
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: Unit metricbeat.service entered failed state.
Jan 19 14:35:30 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: metricbeat.service failed.
[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]#
[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]#
[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]# systemctl restart metricbeat
[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]#

[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]# systemctl status metricbeat
ā— metricbeat.service - metricbeat
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/metricbeat.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-01-19 14:36:54 GMT; 1s ago
Main PID: 2545 (metricbeat)
Memory: 11.0M
CGroup: /system.slice/metricbeat.service
ā””ā”€2545 /usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat -c /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml -path.home /usr/share/metricbeat -path.con...

Jan 19 14:36:54 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: Started metricbeat.
Jan 19 14:36:54 wp-p3s-2c systemd[1]: Starting metricbeat...
[root@wp-p3s-2c ~]#

Can you share metricbeat configuration and metricbeat logs. Just having the systemd logs gives you no details why it actually failed to startup.

Please format logs, configs and terminal input/output using the </>-Button or markdown code fences. This forum uses Markdown to format posts. Without proper formatting, it can be very hard to read your posts.

here is the metricbeat configuration

- type: docker

- module: system
- cpu
- filesystem
- memory
- network
- process
  enabled: true
  period: 10s
  processes: ['.*']
  cpu_ticks: false
- module: apache
  metricsets: ["status"]
  enabled: true
  period: 1s
  hosts: [""]
  server_status_path: "server-status"
- module: docker
  metricsets: ["container", "cpu", "diskio", "healthcheck", "info", "memory", "network"]
  hosts: ["unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]
  period: 10s
- module: kibana
  metricsets: ["status"]
  period: 10s
  hosts: ["localhost:5601"]

  hosts: ["",""]

  host: ""

there is no error in metricbeat logs.

[root@wp-p3s-1c ~]# 
[root@wp-p3s-1c ~]# 
[root@wp-p3s-1c ~]# grep -i error /var/log/metricbeat/metricbeat
[root@wp-p3s-1c ~]#
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the journalctl shows:

Jan 19 15:01:05 metricbeat[1999]: Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to
Jan 19 15:01:05 systemd[1]: metricbeat.service: main process exited, code=exited, sta
Jan 19 15:01:05 systemd[1]: Unit metricbeat.service entered failed state.
Jan 19 15:01:05 systemd[1]: metricbeat.service failed.
Jan 19 15:01:06 systemd[1]: metricbeat.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jan 19 15:01:06 systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for metricbeat.service
Jan 19 15:01:06 systemd[1]: Failed to start metricbeat.
Jan 19 15:01:06 systemd[1]: Unit metricbeat.service entered failed state.
Jan 19 15:01:06 systemd[1]: metricbeat.service failed

i think it fails to import kibana dashboards , and hence fails to start? but why it then succeeds when i manually do:

systemctl restart metricbeat.

I just want it to start at system reboot without any manual steps.

Check your startup order. Is metricbeat started before or after the network is up?

As you run metricbeat as a service, consider to disable automatic kibana/elasticsearch configuration. You can setup kibana manually (or automated via Ansible and co.) by running metricbeat setup ....

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