[Metricbeat] Kafka Module SASL_SSL

It seems like I'm the only one who uses SASL_SSL with open-source Kafka in the market as i couldn't find anything related to my issue except from some unclear threads over the internet,
I'm trying to get Metricbeat send my kafka information to elastic,
using plaintext seems to be ok with my kafka version but as i try to activate SASL_SSL i keep on failing:
usually i create the TLS channel with the CAroot.pem ceritificate (with python or asp)
when i tried:
ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/home/kafka/ssl/CARoot.pem"]
it seemed to not be the configuration i needed,
i failied on SSL handshake.
using ssl.certificate: "/home/kafka/ssl/CARoot.pem"
required a key ,
so i created a key based on my client java store and it failed with parsing error,
i've read that i need to create it with -keyalg RSA
i've tried that as well and failed, im losing hope here..
so i'm pretty sure im failing on the ssl generating,
can anyone instruct me what to change in order to get the right pem and key?
this is my ansible flow before adding the -keyalg RSA :

- name: Creates the CA key and cert

  shell: openssl req -new -passout pass:'{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}' -x509 -keyout ca-key -out ca-cert -days 9999 -subj '/CN=localhost'

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  run_once: true

  when: not ca_cert_file.stat.exists


- name: Copy the CA cert to build server


    src: /home/kafka/ssl/ca-cert

    dest: /tmp/

    flat: yes

  run_once: true

- name: Check if ca-cert was already copied to remote server.


   path: /home/kafka/ssl/ca-cert 

  register: ca_cert_copy

- name: Copy the CA cert from local server to kafka Brokers


    src: /tmp/ca-cert

    dest: /home/kafka/ssl/

  when: not ca_cert_copy.stat.exists        

- name: Check if local Keystore was already created.


   path: /home/kafka/ssl/kafka.server.keystore.jks

  register: keystore

- name: Create local Keystore

  shell: "[ -f kafka.server.keystore.jks ] && echo 'Keystore exist' || keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -validity 9999 -genkey -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }} -dname 'CN={{ inventory_hostname }}, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown' -keypass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}"

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  when: not keystore.stat.exists

- name: Check if local Truststore was already created.


   path: /home/kafka/ssl/kafka.server.truststore.jks

  register: truststore

- name: Create local Truststore

  shell: "[ -f kafka.server.truststore.jks ] && echo 'Trustsore exist' || keytool -keystore kafka.server.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file /home/kafka/ssl/ca-cert -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }} -noprompt "

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  when: not truststore.stat.exists

- name: Check if local cert was already exported.


   path: /home/kafka/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.cert-file

  register: local_cert

- name: Exporting local Cert from keystore

  shell: keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -certreq -file {{ inventory_hostname }}.cert-file -storepass '{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}'

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  when: not local_cert.stat.exists

- name: Copy the certs to build server


    src: /home/kafka/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.cert-file

    dest: /tmp/

    flat: yes

- name: Copy the local brokers cert from build server to kafka CA


    src: /tmp/{{ item }}.cert-file

    dest: /home/kafka/ssl/


    - "{{groups.kafka}}"

  run_once: true

- name: Sign the Brokers Certificates in the CA

  shell: "openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in {{ item }}.cert-file -out cert-signed-{{ item }} -days 9999 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:'{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}'"

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl


    - "{{groups.kafka}}"

  run_once: true

- name: Copy the signed certs to build server


    src: /home/kafka/ssl/cert-signed-{{ item }}

    dest: /tmp/

    flat: yes


    - "{{groups.kafka}}"

  run_once: true    

- name: Copy the signed certs back to the brokers


    src: /tmp/cert-signed-{{ inventory_hostname }}

    dest: /home/kafka/ssl/

- name: Import the Signed certs in the kafka brokers

  shell: "keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert -storepass '{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}' -noprompt;sudo keytool -keystore kafka.server.keystore.jks -alias localhost -import -file cert-signed-{{ inventory_hostname }} -storepass '{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}'"

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  ignore_errors: yes

- name: make sure kafka is running


   name: kafka 

   state: restarted 

   enabled: true

- name: make sure zookeeper is running


   name: zookeeper 

   state: restarted 

   enabled: true

- name: Check if CAroot.pem exists or not.


   path: /home/kafka/ssl/CARoot.pem

  register: ca_root_pem

  run_once: true

- name: Export client certificates

  shell: "keytool -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -alias localhost -validity 9999 -genkey -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }} -dname 'CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown' -keypass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}; keytool -keystore kafka.client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert -storepass '{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}' -noprompt; keytool -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -alias localhost -certreq -file client.cert-file -storepass '{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}' -noprompt; openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in client.cert-file -out cert-signed-client -days 9999 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:'{{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}'; keytool -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }} -noprompt; keytool -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -alias localhost -import -file cert-signed-client -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }} -noprompt; keytool -exportcert -alias localhost -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -rfc -file certificate.pem -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}; keytool -exportcert -alias CARoot -keystore kafka.client.keystore.jks -rfc -file CARoot.pem -storepass {{ KEYSTORE_PASS }}"

  become: true


    chdir: /home/kafka/ssl

  run_once: true

  when: not ca_root_pem.stat.exists

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