Metricbeat kubernetes module

Hello, I would like to ask for help on k8s module since I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Our company has a private cloud that each team can request a namespace to deploy applications on. Since we do not have full permission on the whole cluster, we are planning to deploy our own kube-state-metrics on the same namespace and a metricbeat pod to scrape data from it.

Our kube-state-metrics has the appropriate RBAC (Using Role instead of ClusterRole) and we can get metrics from it.

However, our metricbeat pod can't seem to scrape data from it with a kubernetes module. Reading from the logs, it just notifies us that our RBAC doesn't have Nodes and Events permission at cluster scope, which we do not include in the config (since we do not have that permission ourselves). Is there any way to integrate this kube-state-metrics with the kubernetes module using a RBAC without cluster scope permission?