Metricbeat's is always zero when using cgroups v2

We want to use the metric to monitor our systems. However, Metricbeat's Docker module reports all docker.diskio metrics (except the metric) as zero when using a Linux system with cgroups v2.

System Configuration:

  • Metricbeat 8.11.1
  • Docker 24.0.7
  • Ubuntu 22.04

We use the following (slightly truncated) Metricbeat configuration:

- module: docker
  enabled: true
  period: 60s
  metricsets: [ diskio ]
  hosts: ["unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]
  enabled: true
    pretty: true

Output when using cgroups v1 (as exepcted):

"docker": {
  "diskio": {
    "read": {
      "wait_time": 0,
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 0,
      "bytes": 0,
      "rate": 0,
      "service_time": 0
    "write": {
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 14745,
      "bytes": 3867148288,
      "rate": 351.365903663928,
      "service_time": 0,
      "wait_time": 0
    "summary": {
      "service_time": 0,
      "wait_time": 0,
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 14745,
      "bytes": 3867148288,
      "rate": 351.365903663928

Output when using cgroups v2 (rate and ops are always zero which is not expected):

"docker": {
  "diskio": {
    "read": {
      "wait_time": 0,
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 0,
      "bytes": 0,
      "rate": 0,
      "service_time": 0
    "write": {
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 0,
      "bytes": 3867148288,
      "rate": 0,
      "service_time": 0,
      "wait_time": 0
    "summary": {
      "service_time": 0,
      "wait_time": 0,
      "queued": 0,
      "ops": 0,
      "bytes": 3867148288,
      "rate": 0

Is this a (known) problem, or is this even desired behavior?

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