Missing application roles. API required roles: Incident.Read.All,Incident.ReadWrite.All, application roles

I am using the Filebeat Microsoft module to ingest Defender Endpoint logs. I have setup an App on the Azure AD site and added the documented permissions. I am getting a message that indicates I do not have the required rolls on the API, specifically Incident.Read.All,Incident.ReadWrite.All. I have double checked my API permissions and these are listed. I have searched the entire internet for answers and have found nothing to help.

Any suggestions will be welcome.

On Prem Elastic/Kibana/Filebeat cluster v 8.13.3


Ensure that the permissions Incident.Read.All and Incident.ReadWrite.All are not only listed but also granted. In Azure AD, adding a permission and granting it are two separate steps.


They are granted...

I also noticed that if I create a App Context Token and run it through a JWT Decoder It only shows the Incident.Read.All role assigned. Could I have done something wrong creating the App?