Missing Authentication for REST request

  1. You need to set xpack.security.http.ssl.client_authentication to either optional or required as instructed in the documentation I have shared earlier:

    The transport or http interface must request client certificates by setting client_authentication to optional or required.

  2. You have set

    xpack.security.http.ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/elasticsearch/xpack/tls/cert.crt"]

    which means that your clients can only use that specific self signed certificate for authentication. You don't specify what's in the JKS keystore that you use in your code, but I'd thought I'd mention it should contain your cert.key and cert.crt (with your current, configuration that is)

When your Elasticsearch configuration is completed, please try to verify it with curl as such

curl --cert cert.crt --key cert.key --cacert cert.crt 'https://localhost:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty'

before focusing again on your client side code.

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