Missing Integrations from Installed integrations

Hi Cristina

Yes we've upgraded the system from 8.5.3 to 8.6.1. Our configuration is:

  • 7 Elasticsearch nodes (2 Hot, 2 Warm, 3 Cold)
  • 2 Kibana Nodes
  • 2 Elastic Fleet Nodes
  • Sharding in general 1 Primary 1 Replica

Yes we use different Spaces and I've tried to Upgrade OsQuery on the Space where it was active. I've seen the issue you've described. Currently OsQuery is not active in Kibana and it looks like a unconfigured installation


POST kbn:/api/fleet/epm/packages/osquery_manager/1.6.0


  "statusCode": 409,
  "error": "Conflict",
  "message": "Concurrent installation or upgrade of osquery_manager-1.6.0 detected, aborting. Original error: Saved object [tag/fleet-pkg-osquery_manager-nml-betrieb] conflict"

The account I've used had superuser permissions.

I've restarted the elastic agents with the fleet integration and both kibana instances but it didn't resolve this issue. I'm thinking about removing all OsQuery Manager Integrations form the agent policy, however I'm still cautious because we hade issues reinstalling OsQuery Integrations in the past where stale osquery processes blocked a possible reinstall so I have to test this first. Maybe there is another way to unblock this.
