Modify body of a forum message when it's closed

Hi everybody. Firstly, thanks a lot for your support.

Some time ago I wrote a question in this thread:

The fact is that the security area at my company has asked me to modify the body of that post, because there are some machine addresses that should not be public.

Is there any way to modify a body message after closing the thread?

Thanks a lot in advance

I just reopened the thread. Could make your edits and tell me when done so I'll close it again?

Hi David,

Thank you so much for your help!!! unfortunately, the "pencil icon" does not appear below the message... Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks again!

Can you tell me exactly what you want to remove and I’ll do it

Thanks David!

This section:

output {
  stdout { codec => json_lines }
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [

Would you be so gentle to change machine names from the current values to:

if you please?

My deepest thanks


Hope this helps.

You rock It! Thanks you so mucho David!