Modifying / using beats field in logstash filter

Hi there,

I'm sending some data via filebeat into logstash and have the connections working properly. I'm trying to use the data in beat.hostname to cut out ".local" from a string and store that into a new field called computerName. When trying to do this within the filter for the file I'm not having any luck. My current config looks like this:

filter {
if "macLogin" in [tags] {
if "," not in [message] {
drop { }
else {
csv {
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
columns => [ "action" , "username", "date", "ip" ]
separator => ","
mutate {
add_field => [ "computerName", "%{@beat.hostname}" ]
add_field => [ "computerName2", "%{beat.hostname}" ]
gsub => [ "computerName", ".local", "" ]
add_tag => [ "19-filter-computerLogins" ]

I'm seeing beat.hostname showing up in kibana as: Glencoe-MBA-2014006.local
computerName is appearing as %{@beat.hostname} and
computerName2 is showing as %{beat.hostname}

Is it not possible to use the beat.hostname fields within a filter?

Hi, have you tried [beat][hostname]?

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