I'm trying to send logs to the APM server and thus can see it in transactions associated logs. I've simply followed the simple doc Built-in instrumentation modules | APM Go Agent Reference [1.x] | Elastic.
Kibana version: 7.13
Elasticsearch version: 7.13
APM Server version: 7.13
APM Agent language and version: module/apmzap
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: using go package downloader
Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh
Is there anything special in your setup? For example, are you using the Logstash or Kafka outputs? Are you using a load balancer in front of the APM Servers? Have you changed index pattern, generated custom templates, changed agent configuration etc. No, just a minimal docker-compose-based APM server.
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant): I'm only seeing that logging out is only available in the terminal (stdout). I believe it is supposed to be also available on the APM server, thus not getting it in the server.
This is my simple env config:
Steps to reproduce:
- I've used the simple example provided herein the doc: https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-go/edit/1.x/docs/instrumenting.asciidoc
Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):
Output is basically to the stdout terminal but not the APM server:
{"level":"info","msg":"handling request","trace.id":"328d53d8a1d43dfee988e191d2ea2792","transaction.id":"328d53d8a1d43dfe"}
{"level":"error","msg":"handling error","trace.id":"328d53d8a1d43dfee988e191d2ea2792","transaction.id":"328d53d8a1d43dfe"