MongoDB Atlas Integration with Logstash through logstash-output-mongodb plugin

I am trying to connect Logstash with MongoDB Atlas using logstash-output-mongodb plugin. However, some issues happen.
Currently, I am using logstash 6.7.2, and logtsash-output-plugin version 3.1.6
The integration I want to implement is Kafka --> Logtsash --> MogoDB Atlas (Logstash reads from Kafka fine).
The following is the configuration in the output:

mongodb {
uri => "mongodb+srv://"
database => "dbname"
collection => "collection_name"
generateId => true
id => "afng_audit_info"

Currently the issue is:

[2020-02-01T11:12:50,275][WARN ][logstash.outputs.mongodb ] Failed to send event to MongoDB, retrying in 3 seconds {:event=>#LogStash::Event:0x98eb8c07, :exception=>#<Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable: No primary server is available in cluster: #<Cluster topology=ReplicaSetNoPrimary[,,,name=myRepl] servers=[#,#,#]> with timeout=30, LT=0.015>}

I am sure the cluster is enable: I can acces through Compass or Mongo Shell

Please, some tips, advices o recommendations using logstash-output-mongodb to integrate to MongoDB Atlas

Thanks in advance

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