MongoDB Input threw an exception, restarting {:exception=>#<BSON::ObjectId::Invalid: '2221275031010008292CAInvoiceCCEPrimary' is an invalid ObjectId.>}


I am getting below error while creating pipeline. please help in resolving this error.

MongoDB Input threw an exception, restarting {:exception=>#<BSON::ObjectId::Invalid: '2221275031010008292CAInvoiceCCEPrimary' is an invalid ObjectId.>}

Thanks and Regards.

Is there a stack trace for that?

@Badger No there is no stack trace. am using 3rd party logstash-input-mongo plugin

I would expect an objectId to be a hex string. If you set --log.level debug you will get some additional messages which may help you understand where that value is coming from.

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