MS Windows Logstash 5.x bootstrap window unable to terminate

In WIndows Powershell I run a file with elasticsearch input and output plugins

*Set-Location E:*
E:\logstash-5.4.0\bin\logstash -f "E:\mylogstash\ConfigFiles\FILE.config" -l "E:\mylogstash\logs\prodcopy""E:\mylogstash\project\PROJECT\prodcopy" --log.level info

The cmd.exe file opens and executes. However, it does not terminate . The -r reload switch is not used.
Size and scroll does not matter.
THe stdout { codec => dots } #Progress tracking by dots is used
The only way the file terminates is if I place a timeout command, and a Stop-Process Java command to kill any Java processed.

**Clear-Host **
Stop-Process -name java

Are there any methods to automate the process ending?

Thank you.

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