Multiline and csv filter


I want to visualize in kibana map geo points with specific information(ex: latitude, longitude)

csv {

        separator => ","

        skip_empty_rows => true

        columns => [ "latitude","longitude" ]


    mutate {

        convert => ["latitude", "float"]

        convert => ["longitude", "float"]

        remove_field => ["@version", "path", "host"]


    mutate {

        add_field => {

            "link_point" => "%{latitude},%{longitude}"



Something like this:

Between this points I will draw a line( first to second, second to third, third to forth) and it will look like this:

file {

        sincedb_path => "NUL"

        start_position => "beginning"

        codec => multiline {           

            pattern => " "

            what => previous

            negate => true

            auto_flush_interval => 2



ruby {

            code => '

                m = event.get("message").split 


                a = []

                m.each { |x|

                    x = x.split(",")

                    x[0] = x[0].to_f

                    x[1] = x[1].to_f

                    a << x


                event.set("[link_line][coordinates]", a)



The problem is that due to codec multiline my program get stuck. If I remove the codec multiline the geo points in kibana will look like in the first case.

After a few searches I found out that codec multiline don't work with csv filter. I tried with dissect and gork but I failed
Is there any solution for this problem?


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