Hi I am using multilint to extract data from Sample Log [This
*'create' => * array ( 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key6' => 'value3' ), ) [2014-03-02 17:34:20] -|DEBUG| flush_multi_line
Code Snippet
pattern => "^[This.*"
what => "previous"
negate=> true
if "|DEBUG| flush_multi_line" in [message]{
drop{} # We don't need the dummy line so drop it
The above code snippet doesn't work.
What am I missing???
I wonder if your pattern should just go as far as the first square bracket as it otherwise will not match the line that you are dropping. As it is now I would expect this example to form a single line and be dropped. If you output the lines you want to drop to a file instead it might be easier to see what is dropped and figure out why.
Sample Log:
11 This
'create' =>
array (
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key6' => 'value3'
[2014-03-02 17:34:20] -|DEBUG| flush_multi_line Code Snippet 1
filter {
pattern => "[0-9]*\s+%{DATA}\s+%{IP}"
what => "previous"
negate=> true
if "|DEBUG| flush_multi_line" in [message]{
drop{} # We don't need the dummy line so drop it
kv {
field_split => "\n" #value_split => ":"
source => "message"
Code Snippet 2
filter {
pattern => "^11 This %{IP}"
what => "previous"
negate=> true
if "|DEBUG| flush_multi_line" in [message]{
drop{} # We don't need the dummy line so drop it
kv {
field_split => "\n"
source => "message"
Code Snippet 1 Works and Code Snippet 2 doesn't work.
Only difference is pattern in multiline.
In Snippet 1 pattern is "[0-9]*\s+%{DATA}\s+%{IP}"
In Snippet 2 pattern is "^11 This %{IP}"
Can you figure out mistake am doing in Snippet 2???
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