Here are events:
Id: 0, Source: a, Status: 0
Id: 1, Source: a, Status: 1
Id: 2, Source: a, Status: 0
Id: 3, Source: a, Status: 1
Id: 4, Source: a, Status: 1
Id: 5, Source: a, Status: 0
Id: 6, Source: a, Status: 1
Id: 7, Source: a, Status: 1
Id: 8, Source: a, Status: 1
The mission is to output events with status 1, only the first one in its sequence. So here I expect events with ids: 1, 3 and 6
I'm using the Aggregate filter (as didn't find anything better for this task)
if [status] == 1 {
aggregate {
task_id => "%{source}"
code => "
map['count'] ||= 0
map['count'] += 1
if (map['count'] > 1)
# after everything will work, I will uncomment this line
# event.cancel()
event.set('count', map['count'])
if [status] == 0 {
aggregate {
task_id => "%{source}"
end_of_task => true
code => "
map['count'] = 0
event.set('count', map['count'])
# after everything will work, I will uncomment this line
# event.cancel()
Output :
{ "id" => 0, "count" => 0, "source" => "a", "status" => 0 }
{ "id" => 1, "count" => 1, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
{ "id" => 2, "count" => 0, "source" => "a", "status" => 0 }
{ "id" => 3, "count" => 2, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
{ "id" => 4, "count" => 3, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
{ "id" => 5, "count" => 0, "source" => "a", "status" => 0 }
{ "id" => 6, "count" => 4, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
{ "id" => 7, "count" => 5, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
{ "id" => 8, "count" => 6, "source" => "a", "status" => 1 }
As you see the count field isn't reset on status=0 event.
Note that I run Logstash with "-w 1" to make sure there is single worker here