Multiple config files as logstash service

I am using logstash 2.1 version, my /etc/logstash/conf.d/ directory consist of multiple configuration like below.

unix-shipper.conf, firewall-shipper.conf, windows-shipper.conf,

When i enabled logstash as service, configuration files are not giving the output as expected, where as when i ran as process separately those are working fine.

Please let me know if we run logstash as service do we need to alter the /etc/init.d/logstash file, if yes what are all the changes?

Even if you use multiple configuration files they are effectively treated as a single large file. Logstash has a single event pipeline where events from all inputs are passed to all filters and outputs unless you use conditionals to restrict which filters and outputs receive which events.

Yes true, but my configuration files are sending output to Redis then Logstash indexer( unix-indexer.conf, windows-indexer.conf).

These are developed to recieve the events based on key value type (these types are different for each log source eg: type:unix, type:windows) .

When i run as service all events are marked as same event type (For example windows, vpn events are going to be marked as unix event type).

It'll be much easier if you show your configuration files instead of describing them.

My two configurations( One is for shipper and other for Indexer) for each logsource looks like below,

 { file         { path => ["/var/log/secure", "/var/log/messages"] type => "unix"  } }}
filter {}
output {
redis    {   host => [ "host1:7000", "host1:7001", "host2:7002", "host2:7003", "host3:7004", "host3:7005" ]
                        data_type => "list"  key => "unix"                         } }}


input {
redis {  host => "host1" port => "7000" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host1" port => "7001" data_type => "list" key => "unix" } 
redis {  host => "host2" port => "7002" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host2" port => "7003" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host3" port => "7004" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host3" port => "7005" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }

output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["ESnode1:9200", "ESnode2:9200", "ESnode3:9200"]  }
email { } 

Right. And having these configuration files is equivalent to this:

input {
file         { path => ["/var/log/secure", "/var/log/messages"] type => "unix"  } }
redis {  host => "host1" port => "7000" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host1" port => "7001" data_type => "list" key => "unix" } 
redis {  host => "host2" port => "7002" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host2" port => "7003" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host3" port => "7004" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
redis {  host => "host3" port => "7005" data_type => "list" key => "unix" }
output {
redis    {   host => [ "host1:7000", "host1:7001", "host2:7002", "host2:7003", "host3:7004", "host3:7005" ]
                        data_type => "list"  key => "unix"                         } }
elasticsearch { hosts => ["ESnode1:9200", "ESnode2:9200", "ESnode3:9200"]  }
email { } 

So all events from the file and redis will be sent to the redis, elasticsearch, and email outputs. As I said, if this isn't what you want you need to use conditionals. However, in your case I'd run multiple Logstash instances.


unix-shipper.conf and unix-indexer.conf files are already at separate servers, all shipper configuration files are getting marked with same type(eg: type:unix even for windows and vpn )

And how do Windows and VPN events get into Logstash?

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