Multiple Http_poller inputs with basic authentication

Hi, I am trying to pull API data from several endpoints all using the same Username and Password. Example:

input {
 http_poller {
	schedule => { every => "20s" }
	request_timeout => 60
    urls => {
      "Path1" => {
	  method => get
	  user => "user@e.mail"
	  password => "password"
	  url => ""
	  headers => {
		Accept => "application/json"
	  "Path2" => {
	  method => get
	  user => "user@e.mail"
	  password => "password"
	  url => ""
	 headers => {
		Accept => "application/json"
	  "Path3" => {
	  method => get
	  user => "user@e.mail"
	  password => "password"
	  url => ""
	 headers => {
		Accept => "application/json"
    # Decode the results as JSON
    codec => "json"
    # Store metadata about the request in this key
    metadata_target => "http_poller_metadata"

output {  
stdout {codec => rubydebug}

You can see the username/password combination is the same for all, and the URLs are almos tthe same except for the /{number}/data at the end.

So, I have 2 questions:

  1. can I put all of the paths into an array (ie [11167,11168,11169]) or
  2. can I put the user/password information somewhere else so I only need to store it once

(or 3) can I do both of these things?

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