Multiple inputs matching the same log path

I was just wondering if it is advisable to set up a filebeat config with multiple inputs matching the same log paths and potentially the same lines. Is there any uniqueness required in separate file streams?

- type: filestream
    id: test1
    enabled: true
    ignore_inactive: since_first_start
    fields_under_root: true
    include_lines: [Error]
    paths: [/home/test_user/dir/test_*.log]

  - type: filestream
    id: test2
    enabled: true
    ignore_inactive: since_first_start
    fields_under_root: true
    include_lines: [Error]
    paths: [/home/test_user/dir/test_*.log]

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It's not clear why do you want to read the same logs twice. What do you want to achive?
I haven't try, however separated IDs should produce different records in log.json data registry. You can have the same inputs and with pattern conditions you can separate log lines.