Multiple pattern matching log file

So my log file contains multiple patterns (2 diff types) so i made 2 different match patterns to accompany both of them. Everythings working fine and I don't get _grokparsefailure tags errors. However.. it is returning 2 different values for the same field (which makes sense). Now what I want to do is keep the ones I need and get rid of the ones I do not. How can I do that?

As you can see in the picture below, requestStatus, requestType and requestDetails all returning 2 different values.

My logstash file:
filter {
grok {
tag_on_failure => [ "BROKEN_GROK_SYSLOG", "_grokparsefailure" ]
overwrite => [ "message" ]
match => ["message", "%{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:threadType} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:requestType} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:requestStatus} %{NOTSPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:requestDetails}"]

grok {
	tag_on_failure => [ "BROKEN_GROK_SYSLOG", "_grokparsefailure" ]
	overwrite => [ "message" ]
    match => ["message", "%{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:requestType} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:requestStatus} %{NOTSPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:requestDetails}"]

mutate {
    remove => [ "message" ]

geoip {
  source => "clientip"
  target => "geoip"
  database => "/etc/logstash/GeoLiteCity.dat"
  add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][longitude]}" ]
  add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][latitude]}"  ]
mutate {
  convert => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "float"]


Please don't post pictures of text, they are difficult to read and some people may not be even able to see them.

Why are you capturing different strings into the same requestType field in the first place? If you don't do that you won't have to clean up the field afterwards.