Mutate and gsub usage


I was trying to fetch below fileds from the log

2024-01-10 04:21:52.018 -06:00 [INF] [2696100223720240110042151-10] {"Message":"Device_Response_2696100223720240110042151-10","ApiEndPoint":"ws://","ResponseCode":"","Store":"2696","Terminal":"100","TransactionId":"2237","CorrelationId":"2696100223720240110042151-10","RequestPayload":"{"request":{"resource":{"type":"info"},"flow_id":"2696100223720240110042151-10","endpoint":"/upp/v1/device"}","ResponsePayload":"{"response" : {"endpoint" : "/upp/v1/device","flow_id" : "2696100223720240110042151-10","resource" : {"status" : "completed","unit_data" : {"application" : "Unified Payment Platform","battery" : {"battery_charging_state" : "NotAvailable","battery_level" : "N/A"},"contactless_emv" : {"config" : "/HOST/EMVCLESS.XML","contactless_interface_support" : "Yes","discover_kernel_version" : "020000","expresspay_v2_kernel_version" : "NONE","expresspay_v3_kernel_version" : "070100","interac_kernel_version" : "020500","jspeedy_kernel_version" : "040300","paypass_v3_app_version" : "030700","paypass_v3_kernel_version" : "090200","upi_kernel_version" : "040700","visa_paywave_kernel_version" : "070803"},"emv" : {"config" : "/HOST/EMVCONTACT.XML","engine_version" : "063400","kernel_version" : "090600"},"general" : {"device_model" : "L7000","ecr_no" : "3456","manufacture" : "INGNAR","manufacture_serial_no" : "24694446","unit_serial_no" : "3011295624694446"},"memory" : {"flash_size" : "491040","ram_size" : "506116"},"transaction" : {"cashback_limit" : "999999"},"version" : {"application_version" : "7.83.27-0022","digitizer_version" : "0000","eftl_version" : "0100","eftp_version" : "0100","os_version" : "0506","pci_version" : "","security_module_version" : "0508"}}}","TimeTaken":"00:00:00.3931037","TimeStamp":null,"Exception":null,"LogLevel":"Information","LogLevelEnum":2}

Fields to fetch:

  1. Terminal
  2. Apiendpoint
  3. store
  4. application version
  5. transaction id

Wrote a grok pattern like below


Grok Simulate:

  "response": "{\"Message\":\"Device_Response_2696100223720240110042151-10\",\"ApiEndPoint\":\"ws://\",\"ResponseCode\":\"\",\"Store\":\"2696\",\"Terminal\":\"100\",\"TransactionId\":\"2237\",\"CorrelationId\":\"2696100223720240110042151-10\",\"",
  "app_timestamp": "2024-01-10 04:21:52.018",
  "application_version": "\" : \"7.83.27-0022\",\""

How can I get the

  1. Terminal
  2. Apiendpoint
  3. store
  4. transaction id
    using mutate and gsub?

edit 0

If your [message] contain valid JSON then you could use something like

    mutate { gsub => ["message", "^[^{]+{", "{" ] }
    json { source => "message" target => "[@metadata][json]" }
    mutate {
        rename => {
            "[@metadata][json][TransactionId]" => "TransactionId"
            "[@metadata][json][Terminal]" => "Terminal"

to pull out the fields you want. However, it is either missing escapes on the excess double quotes or it needs some double quotes removed and } added.

Since you want so little of the JSON data another approach would be

    grok {
        break_on_match => false
        match => {
            "message" => [
1 Like


I have tried above code and its not fetching the fields. Can you guide to fix the below code which I have written below to fetch data.


    if "Terminal" in [message] and "ApiEndPoint" in [message] and "application_version" in [message] and  "store" in [message] and "TransactionId" in [message]

            match => { 
            "message" =>"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:app_timestamp}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA}\]%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:response}RequestPayload%{GREEDYDATA}application_version%{GREEDYDATA:application_version}digitizer_version"
		     mutate {
       gsub => ["response", "^[^{]+{", "{" ] 
		  mutate {
            remove_field => [ "Message" ]
		  if ApiEndPoint in [response]
	match => {
 mutate {
            remove_field => [ "ResponseCode" ]
kv {
    value_split => ":"
    field_split => ","


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