Im working on some json data, transforming and remapping fields
add_field, rename plugins are working as expected
But whenever im using copy, output does not include these [events][date], [env][app] fields. But does include [env][date]. That means field is not empty and format is proper i assume?
Also tried with an alternative, using add_field to produce target fields as empty to see if copy failing to create field in first place or not.
filter {
if [log][file][path] =~ "/var/log/trace/*" {
mutate {
copy => {
"[type1][timestamp]" => "[events][date]"
"[type1][tags][http.path]" => "[env][app]"
rename => {
"[type1][timestamp]" => "[env][date]"
remove_field => ["^type1\."]
Updated to latest 8.x.x to test, same happens again