Mutate filter doesn't work with error.message (heartbeat) field


trying to do a quick filter to replace a given heartbeat field value based on the value of other field but it seems when the field has a dot in the name t error.message, the filter doesn't work:


if [ip] == "" {
	mutate {
		replace => [ "up", "true" ]

doesn't work:

if [error.message] == "401 Unauthorized" {
	mutate {
		replace => [ "up", "true" ]

Is there anything special about those types of fields or I am missing something here?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry, got it to work. I just learned subfields existed. specifying [error][message] fixed it.

if [error][message] == "401 Unauthorized" {
mutate {
replace => [ "up", "true" ]

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