Mutate - Geopoint - Copy Field

I need to convert 2 Fields (doc.geoLat and doc.geoLong) to geopoint datatype.
I tried the following but it dosen't work

Could you please show me where I might be making a mistake

      if [type] ==  \"xxxxx\" {

          mutate {
            add_field => {
              \"location\" => [\"%{[lat]}\",\"%{[lon]}\"]
          mutate {
            convert => {
              \"location\" => \"float\"
  mutate {
    copy => {
      \"[doc][geoLat]\" => \"[location][lat]\"
      \"[doc][geoLong]\" => \"[location][lon]\"

Kibana does show me a geopoint field (location) once this executes but no data is being copied ( ialso tried mutate > rename

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