Mutate under conditional statement is not working. any suggestion please

Need some help please.

path => [ "/var/log/jbossas/domain/server1/server.log", "/var/log/jbossas/domain/server2/server.log"]

in filter portion i used the below to create a directory to write the log file to central logging server.

grok {
match => [
"path" , "/%{WORD:jboss_profile/}/"
if [jboss_profile] == "server1" {
mutate { add_field => { "appname" => "server1" } }
mutate { add_filed => { "profile_group" => "%{appname}"}
if [jboss_profile] == "server2" {
mutate { add_field => { "appname" => "server2 }}
mutate { add_filed => { "profile_group" => "%{appname}"}


Is the grok filter successfully extracting a jboss_profile field?

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