Mutiple mutate filters and thier output to different elasticsearch indexs

HI All,

I have a log file like the following which I use logstash to process.

FilterPerfLogging input_count:2 ,TimeTaken:0.272 ,ConfigRate:7.35294 ,output_count:2
SubFilterLogging ContraintSize:5, ,TimeTaken:0.501

Now these two keywords FilterPerfLogging , SubFilterLogging are two different events with different parameters which I use KV filter to extract and store in elasticsearch.

My problem is that I am not able to store them separately in different Indexes,

This is my conf file

input {
file {
path => "C:/Temp1/*.syslog"
start_position => beginning
ignore_older => 0

filter {
if [message] !~ /FilterPerfLogging / and [message] !~ /SubFilterLogging / {
drop { }
if [message] == /FilterPerfLogging / {
kv {
value_split => ":"
field_split => " ,"
mutate {
convert => {
"input_count" => "integer"
"output_count" => "integer"
"TimeTaken" => "float"
"ConfigRate" => "float"
if [message] == /SubFilterLogging / {
kv {
value_split => ":"
field_split => " ,"
mutate {
convert => {
"ContraintSize" => "integer"
add_tag => ["subfilter"]

output {
if "subfilter" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
index => "subFilterIndex"
elasticsearch {

My problem is the index subFilterIndex is never created and every entry goes to the default index.
And the fields which were earlier created by the KV filter is also gone and all I see is the message string in kibana.
Can somebody suggest some way or figure out what I have been missing.


I think you'll find that your second kv filter doesn't produce a field named [ConstraintSize]. As a consequence the subsequent mutate filter fails and then the "subfilter" tag is never added. You should (temporarily) replace your elasticsearch output(s) with stdout { codec => rubydebug } output(s) to verify what the resulting events actually look like.

It looks like

"message" => "FilterPerfLogging input_count:6 ,TimeTaken:0.444 ,ConfigRate:13.5135 ,output_count:6\r",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2016-09-06T11:52:40.862Z",
"path" => "C:/Temp1/*.exe22902044.syslog",
"host" => "XXXX"

"message" => "SubFilterLogging ContraintSize:5\r",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2016-09-06T11:53:00.080Z",
"path" => "C:/Temp1/*.exe22902044.syslog",
"host" => "XXXX"

What do you think could be this issue with configuration/ any workarounds ?

if [message] == /FilterPerfLogging / {

Use =~, not ==.

Thanks Magnus, Working as expected.