Need help on Multiline Pattern

Dear Team,

Greetings. I'm new to Elastic/File beat.
I'm trying to read a log in the following pattern:

[2019-08-18 19:g19:50,787]-[NhdQWhb_Z3arvCz4zWh3hEo:1353000:]-
POST /ncs/anc/ METHOD=next
Returning forward to :/WEB-INF/pages/anc/ListAnnouncement.jsp
[2019-08-18 19:g19:58,388]-[NhdQWhb_Z3arvCz4zWh3hEo:1353000:]-
POST /ncs/anc/ METHOD=next
Returning forward to :/WEB-INF/pages/anc/ListAnnouncement.jsp
[2019-08-18 19:g20:04,421]-[NhdQWhb_Z3arvCz4zWh3hEo:1353000:]-
POST /ncs/anc/ METHOD=next
Returning forward to :/WEB-INF/pages/anc/ListAnnouncement.jsp
[2019-08-18 19:g20:12,536]-[NhdQWhb_Z3arvCz4zWh3hEo:1353000:]-
POST /ncs/anc/ METHOD=next
Returning forward to :/WEB-INF/pages/anc/ListAnnouncement.jsp
[2019-08-18 19:g20:22,331]-[NhdQWhb_Z3arvCz4zWh3hEo:1353000:]-
POST /ncs/anc/ METHOD=next
Returning forward to :/WEB-INF/pages/anc/ListAnnouncement.jsp

Having this config in filebeat.yml, can someone help to identify guide if any issue, as every single line capturing as seperate record and not as expected as single record until the next timeline.


  • type: log
    enabled: true
    • '/APP/PSS/Elastic/filebeat-7.2.1-linux-x86_64/UserActivity.log'
    • '/APP/UAT2/prd/bancs/bancshome/logs/NCSOnline.log'
    • '/prd/bancs/bancshome/logs/UserActivity.log'
      #============================= Filebeat modules ===============================


path: 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat\modules.d*.yml'

path: 'I:\ELK\filebeat\filebeat-7.2.0-windows-x86\modules.d*.yml'
reload.enabled: true
reload.period: 60s

multiline.pattern: '^[[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}'
multiline.negate: false
multiline.match: after
#multiline.flush_pattern: 'Returning forward to :'
#==================== Elasticsearch template setting ==========================

Welcome! It looks like this log should work with a much simpler pattern. Try this configuration (copied from this doc page):

multiline.pattern: '^\['
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after

Hi Fae,

Thanks a lot for your input. Event I thought so... but with these lines you given also, the same and events not getting appended and populating as individual line entries.!?

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