APM Server version: 7.4.2
APM Agent language and version: dotnet 1.4.0
I need help to understand the use of SanitizeFieldNames in APM.
If I want to make SanitizeFieldNames to work for a request header called "dontshowthisinapm", the only thing I should do is to add this field's name in the settings for ElasticApm:SanitizeFieldNames
(along with all the defaults "password", "passwd", "pwd", "secret", "*key", "*token*", "*session*", "*credit*", "*card*", "authorization", "set-cookie") ?
Or do I have to do something more to make it work? I added this in the settings:
"ElasticApm": {
"SecretToken": "verysecrettoken",
"ServerUrls": "myfineserverurl",
"ServiceName": "myfantasticservice",
"TransactionSampleRate": 1.0,
"SanitizeFieldNames": [
The default fields are [REDACTED] in APM, but my new field dontshowthisinapm is not. It's still showing its secret content.
Can someone help me to clarify what I missed in the setup please?