Need to store the value in cache memory and compare while parse in logstash

HI Team,
I have some tricky challenge, Anyone can help me on this concept,

I have one restricted field and that will extract from my log. That keyword will not occur on every message. If my log contain restricted value(Group Field) i need to store that event id(DCN field Value) in cache memory/some index/some file to compare that id with up coming events. If my DCN id gets matched mean, need to add one field like restricted_data: "yes". All this operations are happen in same index.

I have tried various steps but its all helpless and i need your help to achieve this. I share my code snippet here for your reference,

Sample log(which contain the restricted data field and normal log)

2019-05-06 22:41:09.174 [WMQJCAResourceAdapter : 4] [DEBUG] [DCN 0201912617621990C] ClaimTranslatorUtil - <?xml ><cts:GroupNumber>000PE1513</cts:GroupNumber>

2019-05-06 22:41:09.174 [WMQJCAResourceAdapter : 4] [DEBUG] [DCN 0201912617621990C] VenAdjUtil - Splunk log for Request : Starts

I need to use DCN value to compare each events

input {
	port => 5047
	grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} \[%{DATA:resource}\] \[?(?<loglevel>[a-zA-Z ]+)\] \[DCN %{DATA:dcn_id}\] %{DATA:info} - ?(?<description>[a-zA-Z0-9\n -`!@#$%^&*':\".,(){}\[\]~]+)" }    
  grok {
    match => { "description" => "<cts:GroupNumber>%{DATA:grp_id}<" }    
   date {
    match => [ "timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
	target => ["timestamp"]
	#translate {
	#	field => "dcn_id"
	#	destination => "restricted_data"
	#	override => true
	#	exact => true
	#	dictionary_path => "C:/Ganesh/ELK/Latest/check.yaml"
	 elasticsearch {
		  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
		  index => "validate"
		  user => "elastic"
		  password => "elastic"
		  query => "dcn_id:%{[dcn_id]}"
		  fields => { "restricted_data" => "restricted" }
   if [grp_id]
	   elasticsearch {
		  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
		  index => "restricted_data"
		  user => "elastic"
		  password => "elastic"
		  query => "type:restricted AND grp_number:%{[grp_id]}"
		  fields => { "restricted_status" => "restricted_data" }
	#   mutate{
	#		add_field => {"test" => "%{dcn_id}: Success"}
	#   }
	#   mutate{
	#		gsub => ["test", "[\\]", ""]
	#   }
output {
	if "test" in [tags]{
	  elasticsearch {
		hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
		index => "test_log"
		user => "elastic"
		password => "elastic"
	if [grp_id] 
		#       file { 
        #    codec => line { format => "%{test}"}
        #    path => "C:\Ganesh\ELK\Latest\check.yaml" 
		elasticsearch {
		hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
		index => "validate"
		user => "elastic"
		password => "elastic"

	codec => rubydebug

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