Negative version number on java API, positive on curl, re-index creates duplicate (same id, different shard) document

I'm restoring data from an s3 bucketed snapshot into elasticsearch:1.7.3, and the version numbers of all the documents are negative.

I have another problem (ref: Write consistency on a single node cluster - #4 by javanna) which I think this may be contributing to.

The elasticsearch docs state that version should be a positive number:

That version number is a positive number between 1 and 2 63-1 (inclusive)

What's happening? Is this actually allowed? Could it be contributing to my problem?

Actually, it turned out I was getting a negative number on the java API because I wasn't asking for version in the query. D'oh! Still indexes a duplicate document on a different shard, however...

Ignore all of this. See Write consistency on a single node cluster for why.