Hi All,

I am not able to rename the nested attribute through logstash mutate/filter/ruby codes while loading the Elasticsearch index and input data is from database. Sample input data and logstash config file given below.

Tried 3 ways to rename the attribute checknumber to check under claimCheck Nested object but nothing worked. I have listed the 3 ways that I have tried in the config file given below. Can someone help me how to rename the attribute inside the nested object for all records. Thanks in Advance for any help and suggestions !

Input Data format:
"claimCheck" : [
"checknumber" : "12345689"
"accountid" : "123456789",
"interestamount" : 0,
"checkdate" : null,
"ffscapitatedind" : "F",
"pendcode" : null,
"checkaddress" : null,
"penaltyamount" : null,
"datecheckcashed" : null,
"sequestratedamount" : null,
"paidto" : "123456789",
"remitnumber" : null,
"effectivedate" : null,
"aobi" : "YES",
"eftindicator" : null,
"adjudicatedamount" : 00,

          "accountid" : "987543209",
          "interestamount" : 0,
          "checkdate" : null,
          "ffscapitatedind" : "C",
          "pendcode" : null,
          "checkaddress" : null,
          "penaltyamount" : null,
          "datecheckcashed" : null,
          "sequestratedamount" : null,
          "paidto" : "765865432",
          "remitnumber" : null,
          "effectivedate" : null,
          "aobi" : "YES",
          "eftindicator" : null,
          "adjudicatedamount" : 00,
          "checknumber" : null
          "accountid" : "123456789",
          "interestamount" : 0,
          "checkdate" : null,
          "ffscapitatedind" : "A",
          "pendcode" : null,
          "checkaddress" : null,
          "penaltyamount" : null,
          "datecheckcashed" : null,
          "sequestratedamount" : null,
          "paidto" : "0000123456789",
          "remitnumber" : null,
          "effectivedate" : null,
          "aobi" : "YES",
          "eftindicator" : null,
          "adjudicatedamount" : 00,
          "checknumber" : null
      "claimStatusDescription" : "DONE",
      "logstash_processed_at" : "2021-04-28T10:05:01",

Below is logstash config file:
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "$jdbc_driver_library_path"
jdbc_driver_class => "$jdbc_driver_class"
jdbc_connection_string => "$jdbc_connection_string"
jdbc_user => "$jdbc_user"
jdbc_password => "$jdbc_password"
jdbc_fetch_size => "$jdbc_fetch_size"
connection_retry_attempts => $db_retry_count
jdbc_validate_connection => true
use_column_value => true
tracking_column => "etl_cre_tmst"
tracking_column_type => timestamp
clean_run => true
statement => "select data_json from db_table"
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "$jdbc_driver_library_path"
jdbc_driver_class => "$jdbc_driver_class"
jdbc_connection_string => "$jdbc_connection_string"
jdbc_user => "$jdbc_user"
jdbc_password => "$jdbc_password"
jdbc_fetch_size => "$jdbc_fetch_size"
connection_retry_attempts => 2
jdbc_validate_connection => true
use_column_value => true
tracking_column => "etl_cre_tmst"
tracking_column_type => timestamp
clean_run => true
type => "check_count"
statement => "select 1 as SOURCE_RCD_COUNT from db_table"

filter {
		if [type] != "check_count"{
	#converts the string into document fields 
        json {
                source => "data_json"
	#avoid additional metadata fields in the index
	mutate {
		remove_field => ["@version", "data_json" ,"brandId" ]
		#rename =>  { "['claimCheck']['checknumber']" => "['claimCheck']['check']"}  #try1: tried rename the nested attribute checknumber to check, but it is not working.
		rename =>  { "col1" => "column1" }
		#copy =>    { "['claimCheck']['checknumber']" => "['claimCheck']['check']"} #try2: tried to copy the nested attribute to another attribute, but it is not working.
	ruby {
        code => "event.set('logstash_processed_at', event.get('[@timestamp]').time.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))" 

	ruby {

           #try3: tried to rename the nested attribute (checknumber under claimCheck to check ) using ruby code as below, but it is not working.
	 code => "
            b = []
            event.get('[claimCheck]').each { |k|
                k['checknumber'] = k['check']
                #k.delete('checknumber')  # if we uncomment this it is removing the column "checknumber" but column "check" is not getting added to the nested object claimCheck
      'for each k', 'value' => k)
                b << k
            event.set('[claimCheck]', b)


	else {
		mutate { 
		remove_field => ["@version", "@timestamp"]
output {
		if [type] != "check_count"{
		stdout { }
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => ["$es_hosts"]
                index => "$INDEX_NAME"
                user => "$es_user"
                password => "$es_password"
                action => "index"
				document_type => "claim"
		else {
			file {
                codec => json_lines
		write_behavior => overwrite
                path => "/dir1/sample_file_rcrdcount.txt"

Thanks again for my leads and suggestions!

[claimCheck] is an array, so the syntax to do this is

rename =>  { "[claimCheck][0][checknumber]" => "[claimCheck][0][check]" }

However, since it is an array, that only modifies the first element. If you have a fixed number of elements you could do

rename =>  {
    "[claimCheck][0][checknumber]" => "[claimCheck][0][check]"
    "[claimCheck][1][checknumber]" => "[claimCheck][1][check]"
    "[claimCheck][2][checknumber]" => "[claimCheck][2][check]"

otherwise use ruby. Your ruby code is almost right. The issue is

k['checknumber'] = k['check']

which sets the checknumber element to the value of the non-existent check element. Change this to

k['check'] = k['checknumber']
1 Like

THanks Badger for your inputs, I will check and post the updates.

It worked as expected. Thanks Badger!

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