Nested Data

Hello there,

I have a CSV file and I am trying to filter the data using logstash.
What i am having trouble with is that I have a column with data inside of it like this:
Column name: endPlaces
Data inside of column ex: [{""latitude"":-19.6818529,""longitude"":-49.0817124,""adress"":""Heath""},{""latitude"":8.8928524,""longitude"":11.3771496,""adress"":""Paget""}]
I want to store this data in elasticsearch as follows:
endPlaces: {
"location": {
"lat": -19.6818529,
"adress": "Heath",
"location": {
"lat": 8.8928524,
"adress": "Paget",
How can i accomplish this and what is the best way to do this using logstash.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my broken english I cant express myself well since its not my mother tongue

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