Nested Json Array parse failure

I am having trouble parsing json log file that contains nested array. I am trying to add the values in the array after "docs" as their own searchable field linked to the target docs. Here is sample log below:

{"dba_server":"dbaserver","dba_version":"","docs":[{"childproc_count":0,"cmdline":"psexec.exe  -i -s C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mmc.exe /s taskschd.msc","crossproc_count":1,"filemod_count":4,"host_type":"workstation","last_update":"2020-09-30T11:43:58.808Z","modload_count":52,"netconn_count":0,"os_type":"windows","parent_guid":"00013235-0000-2c90-01d6-971ee9af8eba","parent_name":"cmd.exe","parent_pid":11408,"parent_segment_id":"1","parent_unique_id":"00013235-0000-2c90-01d6-971ee9af8eba-000000000001","path":"c:\\users\\xxxx\\documents\\2-work\\c-programs\\pstools\\psexec.exe","process_guid":"00013235-0000-15f4-01d6-971efba829ba","process_md5":"27304B246C7D5B4E149124D5F93C5B01","process_name":"psexec.exe","process_pid":5620,"process_sha256":"3337e3875b05e0bfba69ab926532e3f179e8cfbf162ebb60ce58a0281437a7ef","regmod_count":1,"segment_id":"1601466945474","start":"2020-09-30T11:43:58.092Z","unique_id":"1234asdf35-0000-15f4-01d6-97asdfba829ba-0174dasdf4fc2","username":"asdf\\xxxx","watchlist_1797":"2020-09-30T11:50:03.222527Z","watchlist_tag":"1797|asdf.suspicious.asdf"}],"process_guid":"00013235-0000-15f4-01d116-9712341efbasdf9asdf","process_id":"00013235-0000-15f4-01d6-971efba829ba","segment_id":"1","server_name":"","timestamp":1601466945.474,"type":"","watchlist_id":1711234,"watchlist_name":"xxx.asdf.asdf"}

Here is my config file(I've tried several different changes but this is the latest):

filter {
        if [event_type] == "asdf" {
                grok {
                        match => { "message" => '{"dba_server":"%{WORD:dba_server}","dba_version":"%{DATA:dba_version}","docs":\[{"%{GREEDYDATA:msg}"}\],"%{GREEDYDATA:msg1}"}'}
                json {
                        source => "msg"
                        target => "docs"
                        remove_field => "msg"
                json {
                        source => "msg1"
                        remove_field => "msg1"

This config results in jsonparsefailure. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?

Neither [msg] nor [msg1] are valid JSON, since they are not surrounded by {}

Why not just parse the whole message?

filter { json { source => "message" remove_field => [ "message" ] } }

What you suggested was my first attempt and even though I don't get a jsonparsefailure, the parsed key:values doesn't show in Kibana as an available field but what's confusing is that I can see the key:values as filter options in the search field in Kibana. Is there a particular reason why that is happening?

Also thanks for the reply

Here is a few screenshots of what I am referring to. First Below is the updated conf file....

filter {
        if [event_type] == "abc" {
                json {
                    source => "message"
                    remove_field => [ "timestamp", "message" ]

Here is the output in Kibana of the available fields but not the fields in the array:

Here is a screenshot of the expanded document that shows the array under the docs field:

And here is a screenshot of the search field showing the filters:

Neither "key" nor "value" appears in your sample JSON, so I do not understand why you would expect them to appear in the event.

Maybe I am using the wrong words and my apologies if that's the case. I am not saying the actual word "key" or "value" is missing, what I am referring to, for example, from this sample log file:

{"dba_server":"dbaserver","dba_version":"","docs":[{"childproc_count":0,"cmdline":"fltmc  unload paritydriver","comms_ip":"","computer_name":"xxxx-xxxx-xxx","crossproc_count":1,"emet_count":0,"filemod_count":0,"filtering_known_dlls":false,"group":"default group","host_type":"asdf","hostname":"xxxx-xxxx-xxx","id":"00xxxxb-00asdf01210-0e1asdfc-01d6-91f655def5e8","interface_ip":"","last_server_update":-1,"last_update":"2020-09-23T22:10:24.355Z","modload_count":28,"netconn_count":0,"os_type":"xxx","parent_guid":"0002479b-0000-06f4-01d6-91db3a5ec28d","parent_id":"0002479b-0000-06f4-01d6-91db3a5ec28d","parent_md5":"00000000000000000000000000000000","parent_name":"cmd.exe","parent_pid":1780,"parent_segment_id":"1","parent_unique_id":"0002479b-0000-06f4-01d6-91db3a5ec28d-000000000001","path":"c:\\windows\\system32\\xxx.exe","process_guid":"000asdf2asdfaa4asfd79b-0000-0e1c-01d6-91f655def5e8","process_md5":"BCACasdfasdfASDFASFREWTYFGEED1DCE5619C63D21F7112","process_name":"xxxmc.exe","process_pid":3612,"process_sha256":"@!#$HNJKZX94530ASDF8c1220319cbb69e2a2370334d7849304eb3bb7b1d2fd811c4324e","processblock_count":0,"regmod_count":0,"segment_id":"1601497621219","sensor_id":149403,"start":"2020-09-23T22:10:24.266Z","unique_id":"0002479b-0000-0e1c-01d6--0174e0b262e3","username":"xxxx\\xxxx"}],"highlights_by_doc":{"0002479b-0000-0e1c-01d6-91f655def5e8-0174e0b262e3":["xxxx  PREPREPREunloadPOSTPOSTPOST paritydriver","c:\\windows\\system32\\PREPREPRExxxx.exePOSTPOSTPOST"]},"server_name":"xxx-xxxx","timestamp":1601498166.457215,"type":"","watchlist_id":1111,"watchlist_name":"xxxx"}

I am not seeing the values from the array in the available fields area in Kibana but I can search for those fields via KQL. Take the "comms_ip" from the sample log...I can search against this field and get the correct documents...

But I don't see the "docs.comm_ip" in the available fields area

Did you refresh the index pattern in Kibana?

Yes I actually deleted the index before update filter conf file and I also refreshed pattern but still not seeing them in available fields.

I wonder if that is related to the fact that docs is an array.

You could try either

mutate { replace => { "docs" => "%{[docs][0]}" } }


split { field => "docs" }

to see if it then works the way you want. If it does then you would be in a position to ask a question around arrays in the kibana forum.

Finally got a chance to revisit this and your 2nd suggestion(split filter) is what solved my problem. Thanks again for your help as always.

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