The Kibana Dashboard is empty, despite of Logstash receives the netflow traffic.
The logstash log has the following prints :
[DEBUG][org.logstash.filters.GeoIPFilter] IP not found! exception=com.maxmind.geoip2.exception.AddressNotFoundException: The address is not in the database., field=[netflow][src_addr], event=1970-01-02T02:50:21.000Z %{message}
[DEBUG][logstash.filters.geoip ] IP was not found in the database {:event=>#LogStash::Event:0xf04f397}
Everything worked fine until I restarted the computer.
before restarting I saw the sent netflow messages in Kibana :
The logstash input config is
input {
udp {
host => ""
port => 2055
codec => netflow
Could please explain, what happened and how to fix the problem