New data getting index with old data - Filebeat - Elasticsearch

Hello Everyone,
In my architecture, I am using 3 elastic components such as:-

  1. Filebeat
  2. Elasticsearch
  3. Kibana

filebeat.yml configuration file is :-

#=========================== Filebeat inputs =============================

  • type: log
    enabled: true
    • /var/log/nandan.log
      #============================= Filebeat modules ===============================
      path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
      reload.enabled: true
      #==================== Elasticsearch template setting ==========================
      index.number_of_shards: 3

#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
hosts: [""]

and my input file "nandan.log" data getting an index into Elasticsearch successfully. But the problem is
whenever I am inserting new data inside "nandan.log" file, Elasticsearch is getting an index of all new data as well as old data every time.
Right now in "nandan.log" file, there are 100-150 lines but in elasticsearch index,, there are 750 hits showing.
Please tell me how to resolve this.


Exactly how are you inserting new data to the file? If you are using an editor it is quite likely this will create a new file and then replace the old one. This will appear as a new file to Filebeat, so it will be reprocessed from the beginning. Make sure that you are appending data to the existing file, e.g. echo "Log entry" >> /var/log/nandan.log.

Thanks ,> Got your solution.
I was using vi editor fro inserting new data.
after that I tried to use echo method and it is working well.

I am just trying to find solution for real time log analysis.


Logs written to by applications are typically appended to by default.

Yes correct.. So Filebeat will get data and new log data will go index automatically..
For this I checked as echo command..

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