New index pattern to current index - topbeat-*?

I think I got it to work!

Kibana now shows:

What I did:
I read up on the Index templates article here.

Ran a query against the cluster to check if there was a valid template for topbeat:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_template/


@{order=0; template=logstash-*; settings=; mappings=; aliases=}[/code]

So, I think there is no topbeat index template...

Next I used the content of topbeat.template.json file (included with topbeat-1.1.1), and used kopf to create a new index template for topbeat:

I saw that refreshing still did no good.

So once again, I deleted everything (Didn't delete index template in kopf) and re-imported the entire stack:

Now it looks like it works!

I'm quite sure there is some way to do this all via the ES REST API, but I have not figured out that part yet.