New log file not parsed with the same config?

Hello, i would like your opinions about a strangeness.

I have one log file who i have configured with filebeat & logstash.

It's OK. I can show the fields i want, create graph...

Next :

I added a new log file in the same directory.

I added prospector in filebeat :


- input_type: log
      - /home/Vol_rise_hour-C-FWK-BMA-EDR-2
  document_type: vol_rise

- input_type: log
     - /home/CA_po_hour-C-FWK-BMA-EDR-3
  document_type: ca_po

I added if==type in logstash conf to take this new file :

 filter {
  if [type] == "vol_rise" {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{DATA:date}[;]%{DATA:vol_rise_zones}[;]%{DATA:zone}[;]%{NUMBER:volume}" }
      match => { "message" => "%{DATA:date}[;]%{DATA:vol_ent_total}[;]%{NUMBER:volumetot}" }

    mutate {
     convert => { "volume" => "integer" }

    mutate {
     convert => { "volumetot" => "integer" }

   date {
     match => [ "date", "YYYYMMddHHmmss" ]

 if [type] == "ca_po" {
     grok {
       match => { "message" => "%{DATA:date}[;]%{DATA:compteur_ca_po}[;]%{DATA:type_cra}[;]%{DATA:zone_ca_po}[;]%{NUMBER:ca_po}" }

     mutate {
       convert => { "ca_po" => "integer" }

    date {
         match => [ "date", "YYYYMMddHHmmss" ]

Ok, any error.

I go to Kibana and i see the new lines of the second log file BUT any fields are recognized :

PS : If I uncheck the option "Hide missing fields", i see the fields i want. It's parse probleme in logstash you think ?

Never mind what the available fields list in Kibana looks like. What do the events look like? Expand them in the main panel.

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