Course: Elastic Observability
Version: 8.2.3
Question: Hello, I am going through the labs and have been running into issues in section 5 when doing the NGINX portion.
After some troubleshooting, the elastic agent goes healthy once uninstalling the NGINX integration, and unhealthy once it's installed again.
I see the following error:
[elastic_agent][error] 2024-03-20T02:42:56Z - message: Application: filebeat--8.2.3[ab3ca29d-8917-4697-bf78-9a515e223040]: State changed to FAILED: 1 error occurred:
* 8 errors: Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields; Error creating runner from config: unexpected to option in processors.0.add_fields
I tried removing the pipelines the lab had me do and undoing changes to the nginx processors the lab had me do but still no good. The issue is that the access.log logs don't appear to be coming in.
Want to troubleshoot more but I think I'm burning through a lot of lab time so hoping someone can help.