Hi guys,
This is a very strange one. I am unable to get logstash to output to file by starting logstash as normal:
start logstash
The strange thing is, when I start logstash in verbose mode it works:
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash --path.settings=/etc/logstash --verbose
If I start it in verbose mode it gives me an error but still works:
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console.
The log4j2 file is located directly under "/etc/logstash/". Anyway, like I said it works. So starting logstash normally I just get a bunch of the following in the log file:
[DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] Pushing flush onto pipeline
[DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] Pushing flush onto pipeline
[DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] Pushing flush onto pipeline
[DEBUG][logstash.inputs.file ] globbed_files: /root/scserv/config/2411/w3clog1.log: glob is: []
I am using logstash 5.4 and the input file is a non-changing test file I created to simulate the environment I want to set this up on. Here is my conf file:
input {
_ file {_
_ path => "/root/scserv/config/2411/w3clog1_.log"_
_ start_position => beginning_
_ sincedb_path => "/dev/null"_
_ ignore_older => 0_
_ }_
filter {
_ grok {_
_ match => { _
_ "message" => '%{IPV4:ip_address} %{IPV4:src_ip} %{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:day} %{TIME:time} %{NOTSPACE:stream} %{NUMBER:c_reply} %{NOTSPACE:user_agent} %{NUMBER:sc_bytes} %{NUMBER:x_duration} %{NUMBER:avgbandwidt}'_
_ }_
_ }_
_ grok {_
_ match => { _
_ }_
_ }_
_ geoip {_
_ source => "src_ip"_
_ target => "geoip"_
_ database => "/usr/share/logstash/vendor/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"_
_ }_
_ mutate {_
_ add_field => {_
_ "date" => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{time}"_
_ }_
_ add_field => {_
_ "country" => "%{[geoip][country_name]}"_
_ }_
_ remove_field => ["year", "month", "day", "time", "message", "@timestamp", "@version", "host", "c_reply", "geoip", "path", "src_ip", "stream"]_
_ } _
output {
_ file {_
_ path => "/root/test.log"_
_ }_
"/root/test.log" only gets filled with verbose mode on.