Not able to parse the data having quote in middle in csv file


I am trying to parse csv file in logstash but it is failing some messages as some field contains double quotes either at start or middle of mesage.

4491750**,**"CRITICAL: Value for OSCS - Sydney aucom-east-1 reachability Failed in ThousandEyes. Packet Loss \xB3 25%"" is 1",****Critical,,2017-06-27T16:06:26.000+00:00,2017-06-27T16:06:26.000+00:00,host\r
564126,The value of Elasticsearch match pattern No Response from ZFS is 84 . Query:"No response from ZFS" AND "unable to set luns property",Critical,compute-em2-z18,2017-01-30T20:15:09.000+00:00,2017-01-30T20:45:30.000+00:00,oracle_nimbula_site

The bold data is coming up in one field for successful mesage but if message is as shown above is giving error.

Can you please on how to parse these.

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