Kibana version : 7.9.3
Elasticsearch version : 7.9.3
APM Server version : 7.9.3
APM Agent language and version : .NET, Custom
Browser version : Chrome 86, Windows 10
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version : using elastic cloud
Fresh install or upgraded from other version? : Fresh install elastic cloud
Is there anything special in your setup? Nope
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant) : I have customized .NET agent to send logs to APM Server. Originally .NET APM agent does not support sending of http headers in the context of Span and neither it has http response model. But I believe its supported based on the APM Server schema defined here
and here
So I have modified the agent to accommodate additional schema. This is the final JSON being sent to the APM Server.
But when I view it in APM, only partial data is shown in the span, no data from the context gets displayed.
And when I view the same span in discover, the http response headers is there, but the schema looks altered. instead of being inside context, its directly inside span.
Please suggest how I can get the missing context data displayed in the APM.