Not skipping the folders and files sending from filebeat to elaticsearch

Hi ,
I am using filebeat version 7.3.1. There is an issue with the below sample filebeat configuration. I need to skip all the folders named "ignore" as mentioned in paths. I used the exclude_files pattern, But those logs are processing by filebeat and pushing to elasticsearch. please correct the patterns or help to find out the issue , how to skip the folders named "ignore" in below context.

- type: log
  enabled: true
   - "/apps/logs/mount1/*/*.log"
   - "/apps/logs/mount2/*/*.log"
   - "/apps/logs/mountn/*/*.log"
  exclude_files: ['^/apps/logs/*/ignore/*.log$']
  fields_under_root: true
  ignore_older: 1h
  close_inactive: 20s
  close_removed: true
  close_renamed: true
  clean_removed: true
  clean_renamed: true
  scan_frequency: 10s

Thanks in advance

Could you please share your debug logs (./filebeat -e -d "*")?

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