NullPointerException in logstash filter throttle

Hi there,

I am currently trying to make the Throttle plugin work in logstash (7.2.0) but some nasty NullPointerException occurs and I can't manage to understand why from the stack trace. Any idea ?

Filter config:

filter {
  # ...

  if ![jsonQueryPlan]{

  if ![jsonQueryPlan][Query Text] {

  throttle {
    before_count => -1
    after_count => 1
    period => 10
    max_age => 20
    key => "%{[jsonQueryPlan][Query Text]}"
    add_tag => "throttled"

  if "throttled" in [tags] {
    drop {}

And the stack trace (the error doesn't occur right from the beginning):

Thanks for your help.

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