Office365 Logstash parser


I need some help running this logstash config, when running in ubuntu it keeps on complaining about line 47 where it expected # or => but i can't see the problem with the below. Any help will be appreciated.

input {
    file { 
        path => "<tsv_moniter>/*.csv"
        type => "o365_tsv" 
        start_position => "beginning"

    file { 
        path => "home/ct/Documents/office/*.csv"
        type => "o365_csv" 
        start_position => "beginning"

filter {
    if ([type] == "o365_tsv") {
        csv {
            columns => ["CreationDate", "UserIds", "Operations", "AuditData"]
            skip_header => "true"
            add_tag => [ "o365_csv_log" ]
            # Insert a literal tab for a separator
            separator => "  " 

        date {
            match => [ "CreationDate", "ISO8601"]

        json {
            # Need to parse out embedded JSON
            source => "AuditData"

        geoip {
            database => "home/ct/Documents/maximind/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
            source => "ClientIP"
            target => "client_geo"

    if ([type] == "o365_csv") {
        csv {
            columns => ["PSComputerName", "RunspaceId", "PSShowComputerName", "RecordType", "CreationDate", "UserIds", "Operations", "AuditData", "ResultIndex", "ResultCount", "Identity", "IsValid", "ObjectState"]
            skip_header => "true"
            # Need to drop that pesky second header
            if ([message] =~ /^#/) {
                drop {}

        date {
            match => [ "CreationDate", "ISO8601" ]

        # Need to parse out embedded JSON
        json {
            source => "AuditData"

        geoip {
            database => "home/ct/Documents/maximind/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
            source => "ClientIP"
            target => "client_geo"

output {
    elasticsearch {
        # Change me to reflect your Elastic server
        hosts => ["localhost:5601"]
        index => "o365_logs"

You cannot have a conditional inside a filter. Move the if+drop outside of the csv.

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^ this is the conditional that @badger mentions as being inside of a filter.

You can use conditionals to determine whether or not a filter will be run on an event, but conditionals cannot exist inside of filters.

thanks, i will try that and see what happens

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