Only String and Array types are splittable. field:[array][method] is of type = NilClass"

I am trying to input JSON data from logs through logstash to Elasticsearch but I am getting this error field:[array][method] is of type = NilClass" Preformatted text

Please find my logstash conf file-

input {
	http {
		host => "localhost"
		port => 5290

filter {
		rename => {
			"[headers][logtype]" => "logtype"
	if [logtype] == "alertservice" {
		split { 
			field => "array"

			rename => {
				"[array][tenant]" => "tenant"
				"[array][username]" => "username"
				"[array][machinename]" => "machinename"
				"[array][severity]" => "severity"
				"[array][eventid]" => "eventid"
				"[array][logid]" => "logid"
				"[array][eventtype]" => "eventtype"
				"[array][eventtime]" => "eventtime"
				"[array][domain]" => "domain"
				"[array][details]" => "details"
				"[array][collection]" => "collection"
			remove_field => [ "array" ]
	date {
		match => [ "timestamp", "UNIX_MS" ]
	mutate {
		convert => { 
			"timestamp" => "integer"
	mutate {
		add_field => ["month","%{+MM}","year","%{+YYYY}","day","%{+dd}"]
	mutate {
		convert => { 
			"day" => "integer"
			"month" => "integer"
			"year" => "integer"
	mutate {
		remove_field => [ "message", "@version", "host", "headers", "tags" ]
		remove_tag => [ "message", "@version", "host", "headers", "tags" ]

output {
	stdout {
		codec => rubydebug
	elasticsearch {
		index => "%{tenant}"
		hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
		manage_template => false

How to fix this?

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